Pentax K5-16.3 Mp

Rs.260 000

1.Pentax K5-16.3 MP with HD Movie camera
2. Pentax 18mm to 55mm zoom lens-f3.5
3.Pentax 55mm standard lens – f1.8
4. Pentax 340 Flash.
5.Tamron 18mm to 300 mm zoom lens f3.5
6. Opteka 500mm lens-f8. with 1000th convertor.

Following will be given FREE with the package. bag
2. Two 32 gb as SD cards
3. Extra battery for camera
4. Four Nical batteries for flash
5. A tripod
6.Remote for Camera

The above will be available after 17 May 2015. Please communicate through

Ad Reference ID: 923554ab169256dd

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